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The themes created are done so by a well seasoned professional web development agency, Luxurious Web Design!

Not only do we have 15 years of experience, but we also understand emerging trends within technology that allows us to ensure that all themes include vital functionality and design components that will allow your business to succeed online.

Our goal is to make it work for you!
Comprehensive Options

We get it…a theme aka a template is worth a try because it’s already designed and you’ll get to save time & money, which is why we make our websites inclusive of what you need so you can trek this website  path with confidence.

Luxurious Web Design started in 2009 and with one goal in mind, to “Create Always, Think All Ways” (it’s our mission)… and thinking all ways meant making sure there were web design offerings for those who wanted to do it themselves.

Why the name Luxurious Web Design?…we get asked quite often.

The inspiration for the name comes from the desire to disassociate luxury from unaffordability and tangible products. B2B and B2C services can also encompass extravagance and without breaking the bank. It’s a premium service, that increases YOUR value; that’s what luxury is to us


There’s a team dedicated to themes, so you don’t have to worry about not receiving the support you need while navigating this process.

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